Montague Expressway Widening

This project widened Montague Expressway to provide for eight through lanes (three through plus one HOV lane in each direction), with bike use shoulders and improved pedestrian sidewalks from Falcon Drive to Pecten Court (approximately 0.8 miles) including replacement of the double-box culvert crossing of Berryessa Creek with a bridge structure. The project design required close coordination with the SCVWD, the BART SVBX C700 project, and the BART SVBX D720 design for the south leg of Milpitas Boulevard.

In addition to the widening and raising of Montague Expressway and Milpitas Boulevard, the project involved modification to drainage systems, relocation of utilities to include twenty-six PG&E electrical poles, compliance with current C.3 regulations, and traffic signal improvements at both Milpitas Boulevard and Pecten Court.

Our services also include field topographic surveying, boundary mapping, and production of all plats and legals needed for right-of-way and easement acquisitions.




  • Transportation Planning
  • Civil Engineering
  • Land Surveying
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Stormwater Compliance


Milpitas, CA


2016 - 2020

Key Facts

  • Client: Santa Clara County

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